We can expect to change career direction at least three times to meet the changing demands in the world of work. It stands to reason that each of us will require support at different stages of life. We can rely on friends and family for advice and guidance, and in most cases that works extremely well, just occasionally we will need someone to work with us to explore possibilities and to help us build the confidence to take a risk or follow a particular path.
Mid-career, I started to work with a professional coach and that changed things for me. I was able to be honest about what I wanted to achieve without worrying what someone might think of me. I knew my coach was supporting, not judging, or trying to protect me. I was able to build my business, get published and work with some amazing people. So, I know the value of working with professionals and sometimes we have to invest in professional support. Whether you want to take small or big steps forward in your career, consider meeting with a coach to discuss options.
One to One Coaching
I work with people from all sectors, professions and backgrounds to help and enable them to reach their full potential. I do this through an array of coaching approaches. In some cases I use 360° assessment, psychometric assessment using tools such as Hogan, or I have even provided leadership development programmes.
Every coach should provide a first free meeting where you can discuss goals and where you can check out the chemistry between you. In my first meetings I also offer a free coaching session on any topic you wish to discuss.
Coaching is a powerful tool for increasing individual performance and helping teams and organisations to move forward. In every coaching relationship goals are discussed and a coaching contract is agreed. In the initial meeting, which is free, we will explore the degree of direction and support that may be required and make a plan. Both parties can adapt or amend the coaching contract at any point in the process. Coaching contracts tend to be for six sessions, including the initial free meeting. A coaching session can be 45 minutes or up to two hours depending on specific requirements.
My preferred approach is solutions focused brief coaching. This type of coaching is nearly always future focused and works with the strengths of people by helping them to make the best use of their resources. I use this approach because it tends to bring about lasting change precisely because it aims to focus on solutions rather than rake over past problems.
Alternative coaching options include:
- Team Coaching
- Training and development for internal coaches (including line managers)
- Career development tools and workshops
A recent report found that return on investment (ROI) of working with a professional coach was 5.7 times the initial investment outlay
Source – Maximising the impact of executive coaching